Friday, April 17, 2009

Zac Efron People Interview

A record number of fans sent their burning questions to for Zac Efron, who stars in this month's comedy, 17 Again. The actor, 21, responds here – covering topics ranging from keeping that hot body to partying with his grandma.

• I read somewhere that you recently bought your first home. Has anything surprised you about homeownership?
REBECCA WOODS, Chicago, Ill.

Efron: My sprinkler broke the other day, and I spent all day trying to fix it. I just made things worse and now my whole back yard is flooded. And keeping the house clean. It's like a bigger version of the disaster formerly known as my room.

• What is your workout routine and diet?

Efron: I like backpacking, hiking, surfing, swimming, playing tennis – things that get you active and are also fun. If I do go to the gym I usually do circuit training. If you're skinny, you should never stop eating. The problem is a lot of people mistake that for permission to eat junk food. I try not to eat anything that's packaged. Of course, I never succeed.

• First of all, I think you are insanely hot. My question is: Did you ever cause trouble when you were 17?
NICOLETTE FAVARATO, East Longmeadow, Mass.

Efron: Sure! I think I put my parents through some grief. When I was 17, I was too demanding of freedom; I wanted an unnecessarily long leash. Don't push it too hard, because you're going to need your parents in college when you're broke!

• What did you want to be when you grew up?

Efron: When I was a kid, I wanted to be a professional baseball player, or an astronaut, or be in the X Games. I thought Tony Hawk was the coolest guy alive.

• What keeps you motivated?
KRISTIE, Tallahassee, Fla.

Efron: I've always enjoyed being creative, no matter what it is. Anything that I do in life, I always want to do it well. That leads to a lot fun adventures!

• I'm a big fan. I especially loved watching you sing in Hairspray and High School Musical. Would you ever consider releasing an album of your own?
ERIN STRECKER, Des Moines, Iowa

Efron: I'm not going to pretend that I'm a music prodigy. I would want an album to come from me, not from writers or other producers. I definitely don't possess those skills and right now. I just don't have the time.

• Hey Zac! If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
DANIKA BODNARCHUK, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada

Efron: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches … and milk.

• If you were able to costar with any actor dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Efron: Oooh, it would be fun to work with Marlon Brando or James Dean. Brando had this ability to be real but interesting.

• What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Efron: It was in a hotel. I had poached eggs on white toast with ketchup, and then I had oatmeal, and then a strawberry banana smoothie.

• How come we rarely see you out partying like the other young Hollywood stars?
MORGAN STEVENS, Westlake, Ohio.

Efron: I'm not really into partying. Don't get me wrong – I've gone to a club. But I'd much rather be with my close friends at home or a concert, or on a trip. I'll go dancing with my grandma. She likes to cut a rug!

• You play a man who has the chance to be 17 again. Are there any ages that you would want to go back to, that you would want to revisit in your life or that you would want to skip?

Efron: I think it's important to remember to live in the moment and enjoy every day to the fullest. Don't sweat the small stuff and don't cry over spilled milk.


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