Thursday, April 30, 2009

Listen to the Big-Oil CEO on climate change

This anti-Big-Oil spot from environmental group pushes all the right buttons and succeeds by being rather restrained and good-natured where others would go too far with the name-calling and hyperbole. The guy in the faux-oil-company commercial really does look like a smooth-talkin' corporate CEO as he reminisces about the good old days before the economic meltdown, when politicians followed the oil companies' lead and "we bought bigger and bigger corporate jets." Yet, he never seems crass and comes across as more self-serving than outright evil. He's a villain you can almost love, just like that real-life Sprint CEO who's been in his company's ads. Kidding. Consider: We should probably root for Mr. Phony Exec and his cronies to get their Learjets out of storage soon. When they do, that'll mean the recession's passed and we'll all be better off.

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